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uromastyx weight

22 14:30:43

I have a 1 year old captive bred Mali Uromastyx.  He is about 5 3/4in and 40 grams.  Do you know if he is underweight?  Do you have a basic idea on growth rates for uros?  Do you know of any ways to help him gain weight?  He doesn't like to be syringe fed and he doesn't eat more than 1 dandelion leaf a day, even though I give him as much as he will eat.  He doesn't like anything but dandelion leaves, so if you have any suggestions on what he might like I would appreciate it.

Hi Lena,
  I do not know what kind of habitat you have set up for him, or what you are using for the heat and lighting that he requires, or how you are measuring it.  I'm wondering if the temps in his environment are just not warm enough for him to want to eat.  Go to this site, scroll down to TEMPERATURE and read everything there down.  You may have to make some changes in order for him to eat.  A year old Mali should be a lot bigger.