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My Crested Tree Lizard

22 13:52:36

My Crested Tree Lizard A.K.A Changeable Tree Lizard is not moving. When I held it, it did not struggle nor did any parts of its body move other than the head. It's legs seem paralyzed as I could move the legs with my fingers. What should I do? Please help me.

Hi Aihsil,

I don't know if you have access to veterinarians experienced in reptiles in Malaysia but with symptoms that serious a vet is really your best option.

Paralysis with captive reptiles can have many causes but one of the most common is related to diet and lighting. Calcium deficiency can result in a softening of the bones, including the spine, which then leads to damage or pressure on the spinal chord and paralysis. This is often preceeded by a condition called "tetany" which causes tremors, shaking of the toes and legs or even seizures. Tetany is caused by low blood calcium levels.  Captive reptiles become calcium deficient through inadequate calcium added to their diet and/or lack of direct exposure to natural sunlight or bulbs that imitate the wavelengths of the sun. Exposure to sunlight triggers the synthesis of vitamin D3 (the same process happens in humans) which helps the absorption of calcium from the diet.
A vet would be able to determine if this is the cause through x-rays and blood tests. If they diagnose calcium deficiency as the problem then injections of calcium and hormones that help regulate calcium levels are usually given.

If you are on your own and must proceed without a proper veterinary diagnosis then all I can suggest is to try to administer some calcium orally, preferably a liquid calcium supplement or in crushed pill form. You can mix either of these into a little meat-based baby food for added nutrition and to make it easier to swallow. There are powdered calcium supplements made for reptiles but I don't know if they are available where you live. Good luck.