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Brooks King snake

22 15:00:45

I am an owner of a Brooks king snake and was just curious if they have any teeth.  He is 3.5 feet long and I have had him for about 3 years and have been fortunate enough not to have been bitten, but I would still like to know.  Thank you.

Hi Dorian,

yes he/she does they are viry small and they feel like little tiny hooks when or if you do get bit, but very tolerable until you get to some of the pythons and boas i personally love kings, and texas trans peco rat snakes very curious and friendly,my female was 5ft and could extend her body out all but a grip coil around my wrist, any way again yes but it sounds like he/she has a great personality since you havnt been bitten,

                  thanks for the question
                    hope i was helpful