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My beared Dragon

22 11:53:41

do Beared Dragons hybernate doing the winter?If not, then something is wrong with mine. My son gave him some crickets,and they were big,this was last friday, since then my dragon has not been playing or moving around much, he hardly eats anything. He moves around just a little,so i got him some grass but i had to feed it to him, i had to force his mouth open, for a while there i thought somebody glued his mouth shut. because when we put something near his mouth he usualy grab for it.He stays on his heatting rock all day, and his stomach is so very flat. What could be the problem?

Hi Myra,

Beardeds do hibernate during the winter although the proper term for the phase is brumation. It often frightens first time owners when their pet stops eating and starts sleeping all the time. It is typically mature beardeds ( a year or more) that enter brumation and it usually starts sometime in the fall or winter, triggered by the shorter cooler days.

It is normal for them to not eat and move around very little during brumation which can last for a few weeks or even 2 or 3 months. If you are noticing other signs of illness like obvious weight loss, sunken and darkened eyes or runny stools then you should consider a vet visit.
Brumating dragons should seem quite normal and awake when you handle them although they will go back to sleep quickly once back in the enclosure.
It is not a bad idea to take them out for a soak about once a week during brumation but don't attempt to force feed. Their metabolism has slowed down and they require little to no food during this time. You can offer food again when you notice him being active and awake in the enlcosure again.

This is a site with other owners describing their brumating dragon's behaviours.