Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Leopard Gekko ill - continued

Leopard Gekko ill - continued

22 13:24:49

Dear Tracie, thank you very much for your help and answers,
I'll try baby-food (with calcium), and I'll keep the male separated.
We've been to a vet again, and did yesys of her stool, dound nothing but an egg of a worm in it, so the gekko was given some anti-worm medicine,
but all in all the vet is certain that the problem is with follicles, that they are swollen, and filled with water, cysts whatever... and that the only way,unless the the animal's internal resources somehow overcome it, would be a surgery, and obviously for me it's very unlikely that she'd survive's very sad..
So far we've agreed to wait for a week and watch.
Thank you again very much for help.
(I had to make a new question becasue it wasn't possible to do another follow-up)

Hello Julia,

I am sorry!
I hope that she will make it through this.
Continue giving some soft foods for her.  Make sure she is nice & warm during the night to help boost her immune system.  I feel it is follicles also.  
Maybe she will go ahead & produce the eggs which will eventually pass through her successfully.
I really hope that she makes it!  Please keep me posted on her.
