Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my russian tortiose

my russian tortiose

22 13:24:49

hello... i was wondering can russian tortioses eat cucumbers, apples what else would be good for them to eat that wont make them sick or hurt them in any way have any ideas...
                     Thank you... jannelle

Hello Jannelle,

Here are a few ideas for some foods for Russian Tortoises for you.
Romaine lettuce, mustard, turnip & collard greens, spring mix is good, endive & escarole are all good greens to feed.
You can feed green beans, squash, apples are fine, too.  The cucumber would be alright on occasion bit not daily as they are pretty watery.  
Avoid dog & cat food as they are too high in purines & can contribute to gout in turtles.  
Prickly pear plants & mulberry leaves are also enjoyed by them, also.  

I hope this helps out for you.
