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Lizard type unknown

22 14:26:32

Hi Yexalen, my girlfriend and me live in Gran Canaria. About 5 days ago, whe shooed away what she though was a cockroach only to find it was a baby lizard (type unknown). It is about 2 cm long and was a green/yellow in colour almost translucent. We have him/her in a large plastic box 50cm x 50cm x 20cm. He has water some rocks and bark, which he is currently sitting under. We don't know what to feed him, have tried fruit, fly's (dead) a little cooked chicken (which he seemed to lick) he has also changed colour whilst he is sat in the wood to a dark brown colour although the tail is still a little orange with rings on. I was wondering if you have any advice on trying to keep him or whether we should let him go back into his own habitat? Many Thanks in advance
Mandy and Gareth

Hello Gareth,
Are you sure it was only 2 cm long? That seems really small for any lizard.
It sounds like you are describing a Green Anole but hatchlings are 2 to 2 and a half INCHES not Centimeters. So I am a little confused.

All in all, I don't agree with people keeping lizards or any other animals that were caught from the wild. It is not healthy for the lizard and should be avoided if it all possible.

Good luck