Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > TORTOISE INTERBREEDING


22 14:13:24

Hi Diane.My mediterainian spur thigh laid eggs vlast year and six have hatched,they are 7 months old now and are doing fine. when older would the be able to interbreed or would nothing come of it. Thank you and hope you can help . Mark...

Hi Mark,
If left together they will breed...This is called in breeding...the problem is that it will weaken the gene pool, and will generally cause health and genetically unsound offspring since the gene pool is so limited and any problems that are there(even ones that you may not be aware of) will come out in the offspring. Every generation produced from there would be weaker and weaker.
Interbreeding is generally considered two different species breeding. Here is a bit of info on the interbreeding.