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Bearded dragon skin ailments

22 14:08:16

I have 3 dragons in one enclosure and all are showing signs of lightened
patchy skin on different areas of the body and legs. I give them fresh water
every 2-3 days and greens or veg 3 times a week. Could the patchy skin be
still down to dehydration or something else? I've had them for over a year
now and not seen it before. Please can you help?

First, they should have a fresh salad of good calcium rich greens everyday and insects like crickets, superworms, silkworms at least three times a week,  and a water pan changed every day or more (in case they poop in it)  A well hydrated beardie will shed in sheets, a beardie without access to water may not only have a flaky shed as you describe, but wind up with kidney issues as well.