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Bearded Dragons swollen tail

22 14:10:07

It appears to me that our 7 mo. old male bearded dragons tail is swollen at the base (where it attaches to the body) and it feels hard at that same spot on the top of the tail.  Underneath his tail it appears that his anus is also swollen.  He had a bowel movement on Tuesday PM during a warm soaking in the tub.  He hasn't been eating vegetables for the last 1 1/2 weeks, but will eat fruit (apple, cactus pear, banana) and crickets.  Should I take him to a vet or is there something we can do for him?  Thank you.

Have hime seen by a vet, since swellings can occur for a number of reasons and only a reptile vet will give you the definitive diagnosis and treatment he needs.

No mor apples or bananas.  Apples are appetite suppressants and bananas are too high in potassium.  Stick to berries and melon.  And mix those well with good calcium rich greens like collards, mustard greens, mache, turnip greens and arugula.