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New baby beardies problem? please help.

22 14:59:28

Thanks again Diane I apprecate it, I forgot to mention I tryed yesterday evening to feed him in a largish ruber maid container he zoned out and wouldnt even look at the bugs.... The worms aren't much better, he will watch them go by or not notice them at all...I tryed holding the wiggling worm but it was a no go, I would take them right to the vets... what if I can't take a fecal sample with me can and would they "dewrom them" I'd rather them slightly dewormed then not at all. Also since you een very knoawlageable about all this i'll adult beardie poo supossed to stink? he has nothing appreintly in his poo but it does stink when ummmm fresh lol maybe i can get a discount on taking three at once fo checkups/phisicals, i ahev a vet near me who treats birds and reptiles i'll give them a call later, thanks again for your replys i will keep in tocuh.

Maybe you are trying too hard with your male...he might just need a day or two left alone...I know its not easy...also..try removing the female for your males feedings..and don't watch him...leave him to his own with a salad and some worms...another thing you might want to try is liven up his adding the worms to it!!  It might get his attention and he might take an interest in trying to get the worms!
"Slightly dewormed" isnt a good idea..the parasite can become immune to the medication, which then, that means the vet would have to go to the stronger meds, which on a little dragon can  cause reactions...
A vet can do what is called a "smear" most times.  Basically, they use a cotton swab and get a small sample.  Its not as accurate as the "float" method, but when there is a heavy load of parasites, it can usually work.
Any reptile that eats animal proteins will have a different odor to their poop than one that eats only vegetation.  Vegetation Poop is a "fresh" smell...haha..while the insect eaters will have a stronger odor...BUT...if the odor is "off" from what is normal, meaning sour, stronger, etc..then that can be a sign of internal parasites.
Great on have a vet that is close!!! won't hurt to ask him to offer a discount!!  Many do offer only charging for one office visit..and/or a discount on the check ups...never hurts to ask and many don't give the discount unless you do ask.