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Tree frogs and anoles

22 13:53:35

My 9 year old has a green tree frog (the small one). He is positive that an anole can co-live with his frog. A lady at the nearby pet store told him "no". He does not believe her. Can you please help us. He doesn't want his tree frog to be alone so he would like to add an anole.
Thank you very much,
Suzanne (Corbin's Mom)

Hello Corbin's Mom:

That is a good question, I specialize in venomous snakes, however I have several small amphibians such as tree frogs and a few anoles.  At this moment, I am looking at three carolina tree frogs, one fire belly toad, two green anoles and they are all in the same enclosure!!  Tree frogs do not eat anoles and anoles do not eat tree frogs and the toad, well he just doesn't care.  Maybe the lady at the pet store knows something I don't, but mine get along just fine and I keep them full with fruit flys and crickets plus meal worms so they don't have time to argue.

It is really great that you and your son are doing things like this togeather, I applaud your effert to help him grow up an inteligent young man, a lot of older mom's could learn from you.

                     Good luck