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Yellow Belly laid eggs possibly?

22 14:31:09

I own two yellow belly turtles that are quite small. I bought them about two months ago. Today I noticed about six little clear translucent "egg" like objects in the water. It looks like a little tan colored object with what looks like a foggy bubble around it. Are these turtle eggs? If so, what do I do with them? And if they are not eggs, do you know what they could be?

Sandra,                                                                Females can lay unfertilized eggs prior to 3 yrs of age it is rare,but it can happen. They sound like they are eggs. The male needs to be at least 3 yrs mature and the female about 5 yrs.Your eggs are not fertile so remove the from the tank. You can sex your babies soon. As they grow your males claws will be longer than your females on his front feet and his tail will be longer and fatter. There are lots of great sites about breeding your slider and what they need to lay eggs properly. Here is a good one. Good Luck,Tina