Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Beardie!


22 13:26:57

Hi Tracie,

I was wondering if you could give me some information on having two bearded dragons co-habituating. I've heard mixed stories about housing two (specifically one male and one female) together -- they either get along no problem, or it can end in tragedy.

Do you have any useful information/knowledge on this?



Hello Justin,

Well, "sometimes" housing 2 females can work, while other times it simply does not.  It greatly depends on their personality & their dominance issues.  Definitely never house 2 males, it is not recommended.  
It isn't really a good idea to house a male & female simply for the reason a lot of times, the female may get overbred which can affect her health.
All in all, it is your decision.  One thing to remember, in the wild, they do not really "hang out" with each other in groups.  They may gather in smaller groups to establish a heirarchy, but really don't hang out.  One gains control & dominance while the others are submissive.  
All you can do is try, & monitor them closely.  Make sure they are basically the same size, too.
