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hello there

22 14:47:07

my brown basilisk has a bump on either side of her head and just recently we seperated the water dragon from her tank because he tried several time to bite her what are the bumps from there was also one on her leg that was infected because u could see the yellow under the skin i have opened the wound and removed the puss with a steril pin and guaze and its healing just fine but i dont know what to do about the bumps on her head and they dont have that yellow i wastalking about eirlier in her leg its just bumps and isnt the same.....

Hey Amanda, well it sounds like it should be looked at by a vet. She needs medical attention to find out what is wrong. I am not experienced with medical problems in reptiles so I can't tell you what is wrong. Make sure she is eating and acting normal and find a herp vet. They can tell you what's wrong and what to do about it. And separating her from the water dragon is probably the best thing you can do. Mixing different reptiles together is never a good idea no matter how alike they are. I hope she is all right and that the bumps are nothing serious. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but you really do need to talk to a vet. Good luck!