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need help with my asian water dragon!!

22 11:52:57

Hi,I need your help

I recently bought a water dragon from a pet store last week and when l bought him his body was a darker green and his tail is really brown they said that they had only got him a few days before that and that he was like 6 months old.

So l took him home and put him in a 20 gal zilla starter tank that l also bought from the pet store and now since l got him he has brightened up some,but his tail is still brown and also since I got him he has barely even eats,l have tried crickets,meal worms and have even tried tank temp is in the 80-90 and the humidity ranges from 70-80%.
I just do not know what to do

Hi Sarah,

That little guy has gone through a lot of re-location stress lately, moving from the wholesaler/breeder to the store and then on to you in just a few days. It can take a couple weeks after that for them to settle into a new environment and feel comfortable enough to feed normally. I think he just needs more time and as little stress as possible which means no handling until he has settled in. Try to provide a lot of foliage that he can hide in as well. That will help him feel more secure.  He is young and young reptiles are prey animals to numerous other species. This makes young reptiles more nervous and skittish then their adult counterparts. They don't tend to eat when they are worried about being eaten! If the tank is not against a wall you might also consider adding some decorative aquarium backing along one or two sides. That will help him feel less exposed.

I would not be overly worried yet, it is still well within the normal time frame for him to be adjusting to his new home.

You have probably already accessed Tricia's Water Dragon page which is probably the best on-line info source for water dragon care. She is also a fellow Ontarian!