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Iguana light

22 13:32:25

QUESTION: Hi is Exi Terra :  Repti Glo 2.0 good  for my iguana??? Thanks

ANSWER: Hi Constantinos

Any of the various UVB lights graded as 2.0 produce very little UVB and are primarily only used for species like frogs, nocturnal species or reptiles that are active mostly at dawn and dusk  which require little to no UV exposure.
Iguanas are diurnal (active in the daytime) and are high UVB requiring reptiles. They spend many hours basking in the sun. You really need a 5.0 or a 10.0 UVB lamp for them if that is their only source of UVB. You could get away with using a 2.0 if you are able to get your iguana outside into that Cyprus sunlight for several hours a week! He would have to be in a screen cage or a bird cage to get the affect, glass filters out UVB and glass cages also become dangerously hot in the sun.
The other problem is that the Repti-glo lights have performed rather poorly in tests comparing UVB output amongst various brands. If the Zoo-Med brand is available to you I would suggest you try to get that one in either 5.0 or 10.0. It has consistently performed will in independent test for UVB production.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: There are two lamps .. the one is 2.0 and the ather one is 5.o is this ok?

Hi Constantinos,

You should be fine with that combination regardless of the brand. Your iguana should also be supplemented with a calcium and vitamin D3 powder on his food which will help guarantee that he is getting adequate vitamin D3. That is the vitamin that the UVB helps to synthesize in his body but most vets recommend using both the lamps and a dietary source of vitamin D3. Young iguanas (less then two or three years) should be supplement a bit more often, about 2 or 3 times per week to support their growing skeletons but full grown adults can be supplemented about once a week.