Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Haitian curly tailed lizard

Haitian curly tailed lizard

22 13:24:47

I was wondering if you had experience/knowledge with these lizards. I seen them in petsmart and just adored them so now I'm going to get one soon. Also if you know any info they need that would help,

Hello Talon,

The curly tailed lizards are cute little things.  They are basically a semi tropical type of lizard.  They need a basking spot of around 100 or so, & some humidity of roughly 60% or so.
They do need UVB lighting also, the normal 10-12 cycle along with the nice bright white basking light.
The substrate should be a non particle substrate such a non adhesive shelf liner, or paper towels.  if you use a loose one, he may ingest it & become impacted.
You can feed insects & greens & veggies a few times a week, also for variety.

When you get him, send a picture of him please.   
