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Crested Gecko Shedding Problems

22 14:13:52

I've had a crested gecko for 7 months and she's just starting to develop a shedding problem where she doesn't shed the skin on some toes. I spray the cage several times a day, have a humidity chamber and two bowls of water. As you know, crested gecko toes are very small and delicate, I find it nearly impossible to remove the un-shed skin. What else can be done?



Hi Lesley,
Many times its just a matter of changing what is in the humid hide and where its placed. I've found that the terrarium moss inside a small folgers plastic coffee contain, with a hole cut in the lid works the best for my leos...they have the same tiny, delicate toes as the crested.  Placing the humid hide on the warm side of the tank works the is where I also have my under tank heater.  I wet the moss every day or every other day.
For the stuck shed, you can apply a small amount of Vaseline to the toes which should remove the old shed.  Also, soaking your crested in a shallow pan of warm water helps.