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found a baby turtle in the street

22 13:32:26

found a bby turtle on a country rd by some has brown shell & yellow spots..what kind is it & what 2 feed it

Hi Dewanda

I will really need a more detailed description or better yet a photo to have any hope of telling you what kind of turtle you have found. I am including a couple links from Austin turtle page which has an extensive photo gallery of American turtles. Click the thumb nails on the left to enlarge them. This first one is American Box turtles which live primarily on land but need access to a bowl of shallow water to drink and soak. They have an highly domed shell and club-like "elephant" feet. They also have a hinge on their bottom shell just below the front legs that allows them to pull in their head and legs and close up.
In many states it is illegal to take box turtles from the wild. Remember that you are not just removing one turtle but also all the offspring that it will eventually produce and that has a drastic affect on wild populations. Here is the link to photos of box turtles

This second link has photos of American water turtles. Some species emerge from their land-dwelling nest in spring and travel to find water which is how they are found on roads etc.

Aquatic turtles have much flatter shells and webbed feet. They live primarily in water and need to be in water to eat. They need a small area of land to come out and dry their shells and bask to achieve a proper body temperature. As you can see, it is critical to determine what species you have in order to give it a proper environment to survive.

Both box turtles and young water turtles are primarily carnivorous but will take fruits and greens as adults. Box turtles eat worms, slugs, snails and any insects they can catch. Water turtles have a similar diet but can also take fish and crayfish etc.
Many wild turtles have trouble adapting to captivity and a captive diet and refuse to eat and just become so stressed that they die. My best advice to to you would actually be to release this turtle near where you found it to let it live out its life as was intended (dangers and all) and hopefull grow to adulthood to produce more wild turtles!