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leoparad gecko

22 14:43:51

I was informed that I need to get a mixture, or slug of some vitamins to give to my gecko through a syringe, or plunger.  What exactly is this concoction, and I was told to get it through a Mom n Pop type of pet store (major chains won't carry it).  What exactly am I asking for, so that when I call around looking for it, I don't sound ignorant.  I was informed that I need to get a UV light and that my lizard was lacking in the nutrients that allow them to digest their food.  Any more ideas would be helpful.  Thanks, SM

Your question was sent to the pool, but I will answer it for you:

I don't know where you heard this advice, but do not inquire of this person again. This person does not know what they are talking about. Forcing a syringe into a reptiles mouth is asking for trouble if you don't know what you are doing. Supplements are administered to reptiles by dusting it on their food. Do this about every two weeks. Not any more, like many of these pet store employees and product labels tell you to. They are just trying to sell product. Hypervitaminosis is a serious consequence that can affect an animal just as badly as too little vitamins ( hypovitaminosis ).

Leopard Geckos are nocturnal geckos. They hunt at night. Though many people say they need no UVB, this is not correct. They just need less than diurnal herps. Even during the day as they hide in their dens, they are getting some exposure to UVB scatter. A little is beneficial to them, but I think this person that was advising you had no idea of this technical difference and probably had no idea that Leo Geckos are even nocturnal.

For a nocturnal reptile, a straight UVB fluorescent tube ( not a coil ) is beneficial if used a few hours a day. It does not need to be, and should not be, on all day; and, the gecko does not have to sit out during the day in the light. As long as some light scatter is able to reach into it's den. My wife has had her male/female pair of Leos for 10 years, and they get small amounts of UVB.