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Leopard Gecko wont stop shedding

22 13:54:18

My leopard gecko will not stop shedding. As soon as she seems to be done with a shed she starts right over again. She also does not seem to be eating. I have only had her for about 2 months, and this all started pretty just as soon as I brought her home. I got her from another person who told me she was healthy. The only thing they mentioned was how she has these lumps under her front 2 legs. They have not gotten any bigger since I have had her, but they are still there.
So my question is why does she keep shedding over and over again?
I believe it may even be causing her to go blind?

Hello Dana,

The 2 lumps underneath her arms are most likely fat pads.  Can you post a picture of her?  Are they uniform on each side?
What do you feed her?
If she is young, she will shed quite often & will eventually slow down once she hits the juvenile stage & into adulthood.
She is obviously growing pretty rapidly right now.  
