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hemipenes prolapse

22 11:50:57

ok this is the same person who asked about the sugar thing. i have not made a paste but i did a sugar bath with brown sugar. i didn't have any table sugar. but the swollen went away and he put his hemipenes back in. is it ok to do a bath and if not what other things can i do? also im in korea so there arent any reptile specialist to help my lizard...

Well, if it worked, then that's good.  You can rinse him off, but I wouldn't soak him in water.  It's best now just to let him rest and heal.  A hemipenal prolapse can be caused if some irritant gets into the sheathe, if a female moves wrong while he's trying to breed, or if it's scraped or bumped on something, all of which can cause swelling, which doesn't allow the hemipene to retract.

The sugar paste draws out water, which shrinks the tissues, and allows the hemipene to go back where it is supposed to be, but it may take a while to heal the cause of the problem.  If it happens again, treat it the same.  Just mix the sugar with enough water to form a thick paste (whatever type of sugar you have).