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Box Turtle

22 14:15:54

We have had a box turtle we adopted from school for 9 years.  Of course we got little instruction but he has been healthy just very dry.  I constantly use reptile vitamin spray and let him swim alot, but he still seems very dry.  He sits in his aquarium in front of a window every day but no matter what we use, he remains dry and flaky.  Suggestions?

Hello Michelle,

Are you providing UVB lighting for him?  Does he have a basking light to provide a basking spot of around 85 or so?
What type of oral vitamins are you giving him?  The vitamin spray is not quite enough for him, he needs specialized vitamins that are formulated for turtles.
If he is missing something in his diet, his shell will be flaky.  That can be a vitamin A, or vitamin D issue.  What type of foods do you feed him?  They need a wide variety of foods to balance their diet out.
