Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > prolasped rectum of baby bearded dragon

prolasped rectum of baby bearded dragon

22 13:28:42

my bearded dragon has a red bulb protrusion from his rectum.he is not very old. can i treat this myself, if so how. thank you

Hello Mary,

Well, prolapses are very serious conditions.  We need to go over your tank setup to make sure everything is good for him.
You can treat this, but ultimately, if this does not go back on its own, then you will need to take him to the vet.  
So, go ahead & only feed soft foods such as chicken & squash baby food with a plastic dropper or syringe by dripping it onto the end of his nose.
You can give him a sugar water water too.  Use 2 tablespoons of sugar & dissolve it into some warm water then add some cool water to it.  Soak him in that water for about 20 or so minutes.  This sometimes helps draw the swelling down.  
Try to soak him 1-2 times daily, & follow up with vaseline or KY jelly on the area to keep it from drying out.  
What type of substrate is he on, sand, tiles?
Let me know how things are going.
