Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > very skinny crested gecko

very skinny crested gecko

22 14:38:53

Hello Tina.  I hope you can help me.  I'd like some advice about caring for an extremely lethargic and skinny crested gecko.  We got it last week.  It has a proper enclosure at the right temperature according to the care sheets but it's still not gaining any weight.  I've just started to squish up wax worms and fruit baby food with some success but (drip the food on it's mouth so it will start licking then clean and up a little more) I'm worried it's not going to get better.  Is this a calcium problem?  Could it have a disease?  Thanks for your time.


Heather,                                                                It is never sure whether you get a healthy reptile. Try giving him half an eyedropper full of mineral oil once a day. Maybe he has ingested some of his bedding at the shop. This will work like  a laxative. He may be full of parasites too. Unfortunately good reptiles vets cost money. If you take him to a vet take a fecal sample if you can. They turn bad quick. Good luck, Tina