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found tiny brown .... gecko?

22 14:00:37

I live in Northwest Indiana very near Lake Michigan and found in my house today a very small brown with darker spots, very long tail, I'm thinking its a gecko. The head is slightly big.  The body from the head to the start of the tail is about an inch long.  Any ideas what to do?  How do I care for it?  I do have it in a tiny aquarium with water, lettuce and food I would generally give to my hermit crabs (dried shrimp and powdered food).  I have not ever heard of gecko's in our area.

 Could be a fence lizard baby.  But without a picture it would be impossible to identify.  It also could have been a stowaway in some shipment.  Where I live in NY there are viable colonies of Italian wall lizard that got here from a shipment of furniture from Italy about 50 years ago.  I would have him checked by a good reptile vet.  And I would contact any herpetological societies in your state for the possibilty of native species.