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my breeding female

22 13:52:10

Hi, I have a 3 1/2 year old female bearded dragon named Pinky. I've had her and her mate since they were both hatchlings.  She has always been healthy and strong, and has laid 3 successful clutches in years past.
I recently (approx. 3 months ago) made a big move, about 2000km away to a colder climate, and it was a two- day drive with her and her mate. Shortly after our arrival, they mated and she laid 25 eggs after nearly becoming egg- laden. As always after laying a clutch, she was a bit emaciated and I fed her lots of crickets and waxworms to help her recover. However, in the past couple weeks, ever since this laying, the big change, and a change in diet (I haven't been able to find the same kind of ReptoCal kibble in the new town), she has exhibited some strange symptoms:  periodically her head "shivers" like it's vibrating. She also never substantially regained the lost weight from laying the clutch (the biggest she's had so far); in fact she has slowly continued to lose weight and has nearly depleted any fat deposits. Her tail is very bony and she is quite skinny in general. The most alarming symptom is that she continues to pass unfertilized eggs almost daily, and sometimes several per day. The eggs are usually kind of a light brown colour and look very unhealthy, not at all like healthy fertilized eggs that come to hatch. This most recent one, passed within the hour, was passed with her feces.

I'm quite worried about her because she was always always so healthy and usually eats very well even while pregnant and after laying.

Her mate, Jim, by the way, is doing great. He looks like a million bucks.
Can you give me any advice on what might be wrong with PInky?  


 Get her to a good reptile veterinarian as soon as possible.  It sounds like she is really having some major metabolic distress.  And it may be best for her to have her own habitat to assist in her recovery.  It is near mating season and Jim will only have one thing on his mind, and it may be too dangerous to leave her with him.