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large female slider biting my other male sliders

22 14:52:25

Thanks for the answer. I seperated Raquel and placed her in a 10 gallon with a docking station. I have confered with my animal specialist and he tells me it's mating season and the females sometimes become aggressive to the males. Presently I have 6 sliders in my 55 gallon and raquel in the 10 gallon. The others seem to be doing fine without her in with them. I'm told it will be until March when I can return Raquel to the 55 gallon. I'll see how it goes and if it doesn't work, I will have to give away Raquel and 2 others. A 10 Gallon kept clean should be ok for now right? She's the size of a male fist. I can buy a 1 larger up tank as I have a medium docking station in the 10 gallon with her and she's basking right now. I want to do what's best.



I have never kept Sugar Gliders, so I cannot say whether Raquel really is so agressive because of mating season, I have no experience with their behaviour. A ten gallon is okay, but if you can find something larger, that would of course be better for her.