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Nile Monitors tail

22 14:35:49

We have a nile monitor who will be 1 year old in July. But we have a problem
now with the tail. It looks like the crickets which we feed it are eating the middle
part of the tail. The tail looks like it's wet and sticky.  We do not know why this is
happening. Any advise?

Hello Andrew,
It is common for crickets to nibble at lizard toes and tails when they are not removed after feeding. It sounds like a pretty bad open wound. I suggest contacting a veterinarian if it is severe. In the mean time get some anti-biotic ointment such as neosporin to put on the wound. Be sure the ointment doesn't have any pain reliever as the pain reliever in anti-biotic ointment is poisonous for reptiles. When crickets get left in the cage and the lizard (in this case your Monitor) doesn't eat them all the owner (in this case your self) needs to remove them for future feeding or they will get hungry and feast on a sleeping lizard. If you can not remove them all for whatever reason. Be it that they have too many hiding places or you feel that you are still missing one. Then in the corner of the vivarium, put a small chunk of peeled potato. This will draw the crickets in and give them something other then lizard to munch on. Still try to remove all of them. Replace the potato within a day or two with a new one.
If this isn't going to work you need to feed one by one with the crickets or feed him outside of his enclosure.... whichever is easiest.

I also advise apart from the neosporin is to remove any particle substrate, and replace it with reptile carpet, newspaper or papertowels. This is important for injured reptiles. Keep the enclosure very clean and amp the temperature up 2-3 degrees to help with healing. Hope this helps and I hope he starts healing nicely.

Good luck