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Respiratory infection with my dragon

22 13:24:25

I rescued a beautiful 4 year old male bearded dragon.  He had pinworms which have been treated with panacur and has shows all the classic signs of a respiratory infection. I was told Baytril would be the most effective treatment. Is that true? What other methods would you recommend?

Hello Jennifer,

Yes, Baytril is the best medication for the respiratory infection type of issues.  
What are the temperatures in the tank & what type of thermometer do you use?  
Do you keep the humidity low right now, if he is having respiratory issues?  I would try to keep the humidity levels down to 20% or under until the signs & symptoms of the respiratory problems subside.
Does he have any mucous in his mouth or nose?  
You can get some bee pollen to help with his immune system.  
