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Female Gecko Questions

22 14:00:36

QUESTION: Hello, I have two questions about my leopard gecko, Stella, who is still growing, but large enough at this point to say with some confidence that she is a she. Her tail is large, her eyes are clear, her skin is bright and she's an enthusiastic eater. I've come to understand that leopard geckos urinate at the same time they deficate, and she does this regularly, however, she has also released a thin, clear liquid on several occasions (separate from her usual defecation) that looks just like water and has no scent. I was wondering if this was some kind of pheromone or if I should be concerned.

My other question involves a drastic color change. I was keeping her with a friend while I was on vacation, and when I got her back, Stella had acquired an orange tint along her back along with brighter orange splotches at the base of her tail. My friend said that she looked completely normal until she shed, after which she emerged ... orange. Is it common for this kind of color change to occur over such a short period?

Thank you,

ANSWER: Hi Kasey,
Soem liquids are normal with a well hydrated leo...that's a good thing!
As to the color change, as they get older(baby to juvy) their adult colors will come in.  Every time they shed you will see more of their adult colors. Generally, your babies are brighter, more heavy marked but with some of the color morphs they get their colors as they get older.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the information. So it's okay even if she does it separately from her normal defecation and it doesn't look or smell like urine? It's just like pure water or something, perfectly clear with the consistancy of water.


Hi Kasey,
If you are 100% positive that Stella is indeed a "she", and the liquid has no odor, bowel movements are normal and not loose, her appetite and activity levels are fine..then all is most likely normal. Have you noticed if she does this when you pick her up?
If you notice any changes in her, such as not eating, stools becoming loose or soft, etc..then I do suggest a vet visit to rule out any problems such as internal parasites or possibly  Cryptosporidiosis, which seems to becoming more common in pet store reptiles.