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New dragon owner

22 13:56:12

Hi there, I recently got a bearded dragon from a friend who did not have the time to care for him anymore. He is 3 years old male and she said that he never done what he is doing before.
When I got him he had a very healthy appetite rating all his veggies and plus up to 10 superworms per day! then after about a month he started sleeping all the time. he does bask for a little bit but then he hides under his branch and falls asleep. When I take him out of his tank he is alert and runs around for about 30 minutes and then goes and finds somewhere to sleep or snuggles up on my shoulder and sleeps. he remains asleep till morning when I wake him up. his lights are on for 10 hours per day. i was told that if he is sleepy all the time i can drop the lights down to 8 hours a day but it seems like too little time to me.
I still offer him the superworms on a daily basis and he gets his veggies everyday, however he only has about 3 bits of his veggies and none of the superworms. about once a week he will eat one or two worms. it does not look like he is losing weight. he gets a bath 2 times a week to keep him hydrated and he always has fresh water in his tank.
I don't know what is going on with him. Is this part of buration? or is he sick? I have been around him since he was a baby and have never seen him this tired. another thing is that I live at a high altitude and it is starting to get cold outside.
he started all this in mid October.

please help me.

Hello Michelle,

His behavior sounds like typical brumation yes.  They do that at this time of year & it is completely normal for his age to brumate.  As long as he is not losing weight, then he most likely is not ill.  
I have a few questions on the tank setup, etc.  Are you using a UVB light?  If so what type & brand is it, a florescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  What type of basking light are you using, a bright white light or a colored light?
What are the temperatures in his tank, & what type of thermometer do you use to measure the temperatures?
An adult should only be allowed 50 or so feeders per week.  As they have reached their full length & weight by then & are no longer growing, they do not need excessive protein or it can be hard on their kidneys.  
How often do you use calcium?
So, if he is mostly sleeping right now, it is best not to feed him much of anything other than a few greens here & there.  He needs to empty his system out pretty well, otherwise, he could experience digestive issues.  True brumation they are in a total sleep mode for months.  Semi or part brumation, they are in & out so they graze on food from time to time.  
It sounds like he is almost totally in brumation if he sleeps most of the time right now.  
Can you post a picture of him?
