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beareded dragon ribs??

22 14:16:52

My bearded dragon was 'played' with by a dog. Now his ribs look broken and his orange colors around his head and tail went black. Is there anything I can do to comfort him until he can see the vet, hopefully within 24 hours, or some home remedy I can do to help him heal??

Hi Stephen,
Sorry to hear about your beardie.  The only thing you can do for him is to keep him comfortable.  I would not allow him to climb.  He may have internal injuries and is most likely in shock and pain.   The color change is normal with stress and injury.  Get him into a vet so the vet can x ray to see what injuries are there.  Sorry, no home remedies can fix him with out knowing what the injuries are. If he isn't wheezing when breathing, that's a good sign as that would mean that there is no damage to his lungs.Here are some links to finding a vet that can treat reptiles.  I wish all the best to you and your beardie.