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high temperatures

22 14:16:51

on one side of her cage, it's normally in the 80's( Fahrenheit), but for the last
couple days its been up to 105.  could she have a fever or could she possibly be
giving off that much heat?  i did not think they could produce their own body

Hi Colleen, You are correct. The temperature increase is not coming from her body, whatever she is : )
Have you changed the way you measure the temperature? Those stick-on strip thermometers are influenced by the temperature of the glass and the air. They do not accurately measure the basking surface temperature unless you actually place them on the basking surface. There can be quite a difference between the two. Have you changed the heat source at all? Different brands of bulbs can produce different levels of heat even though they are the same wattage. Have you covered any part of the cage for some reason? Also check its location in the room to see if it is close to a heat vent or other heat source that could be affecting it.