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My Bearded Dragons Vet Only Knows About Birds

22 14:31:27

Hello There.  

My name is Megan and I am the owner of a 1 year old Bearded Dragon named Draco.  For the past two months, Draco's appetite has been getting weaker until, four days ago, he stopped eating all together.  I have been using a syring minus the needle to get a few cc's of water/gatorade in him per day to try to keep him hydrated, but his appetite shows no signs of returning.  What I find odd is that he still has a ton of energy and seems extremely alert.  Also - substrate is paper towel and we change out our UVB/heat bulbs around every four months (temp is a constant 90-95 in the day and 70-75 at night).

We took him to the vet yesterday - fecal sample came back clear of parasites so we got some blood tests done.  This is the point that I began to feel uncomfortable with the vet - she didn't even know how to pick up a bearded dragon properly, gripping him around the middle with the poor guy thrashing around due to lack of support.  She then told us that she specializes mainly in birds and hasn't ever seen many bearded dragons.  I suppose it is my lack of confidence in her as a herp expert that brings me here for good treatment suggestions.  

The blood tests came back indicating elevated levels of CPK liver enzymes, elevated calcium and phosphorus levels as well as a build-up of uric acid.  She then recommended a formula used for baby birds... ???  I will be taking him in again tomorrow for syringe feeding and fluids to try to "Jump Start" him, but I can't imagine it would be good to do that every day (as she suggests) until he gets better.  

What could have caused this condition?  What can we do to make sure it doesn't happen again?  And most importantly, what can we do now to get him back on track - he's losing weight and scaring us!

Thanks so much for the help!!
~Megan & Draco

Hi Megan
I am so sorry to read of your Draco's problems

I would like to direct you to a website that has many members that can offer more expert advice then I can with health issues

I would suggest that you join there and that you explain what has been going on with Draco and that you post your vets results and see what everyone has to say

I WOULD look for a Herp Vet in your area and at least call and ask if you could get their input on the tests that have already been done on Draco

As for hydration and syringe feeding-I would go and buy some Fluker's Rept-A-Aid-you need the Insectivore/Carnivore formula

Mix with water according to the direction and carefully syringe feed him a small amount at least twice per day

Usually most lizards really like the tasted of this formula and it has worked very well for me with ailing and under weight lizards in the past

I understand why the vet said to use the baby bird formula-reptiles and birds are very similar and in a pinch you can use the baby bird formula for reptiles but reptile specific formula is better

I would be very careful with using the Jump Start
It is a very thick liquid and they can easily choke on it or get it into their lungs when giving it to them

I would give draco the Rept-A-Aid and you can syringe feed small amounts of water if he is not drinking at all

You can also do soaks in luke warm water and he will most likely drink before he poops in the water
Do not submerse him deeper than below the top of his forelegs or he will start to swim

I hope that this has helped and that Draco can find the right vet and get better quickly

Sandy aka LadyGecko