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Leopard Gecko Yoshi

22 14:29:35


Hi Tracie

I called the emergency vet in my area right after I wrote you, and she also said it was a prolapse.  She said that I could bring him in right then so she could push it back in for $200, or she could tell me how to do it.  I know it sounds awful, but I really cant afford $200 for a gecko right now.  So I did what she told me to do and got some KY jelly and tried to gently push it back in, but it was really swollen and wouldnt budge.  I called her back and told her I couldnt get it in and she said that I could bring him in on Monday, which would only be $40, however, she said that he most likely wouldnt survive the weekend.  So I was seriously considering just going to the vet, even if it was outrageously expensive.  But she said that prolapses happen all the time, they're caused by parasites alot of the time, and that if they happen once, then they will most likely happen again, so basically I feel like if I take him, it will just be prolonging the inevitable.  So with me sobbing, I really dont know what to do.  I would feel evil just letting him die, but also really mean if I take him to the vet and just make the agony last.  I dont know what to do.  This morning I looked at him and he was still alive, but his tail is extremely thin now, and it's only been 1 day.  I'm not sure he will last until tomorrow (monday).  I attached a picture of what he looked like before all this.  He's adorable.

Hello Kayleigh,
Aw, I am sorry!  
Yes, parasites are usually the most common cause but low calcium is a huge problem too, but since he is a gecko it is probably parasites.
Prolapses are fairly common.  Did you get the area to go back in?  She can stitch him up if he makes it.  
Did you try soaking him in the cool sugar solution?  Try that, & maybe the swelling will go down enough to where you can get the area to go back in.
I understand, things like this are never easy.  Can't she give you a bit of a break on her fees??  
Let me know the outcome of little Yoshi.  I am sorry.
