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asking for help

22 11:59:53

female water dragon
female water dragon
i have a female water dragon that is diging alot and i can't get her to eat anything all she does is dig and dig so i put her in to a ten gallon tank because i think that she is trying to find spot to lay eggs i think so am i doing the good thing by doing that or not? and i have her in the ten gallon because i got two males too and they are togetther in a nice big tank plz... help me so then i know what to do then thank you

Paul, I love these guys. She is probably gravid and searching for a place to lay eggs which will happen whether there is a male there or not. They of course will not be viable but don't worry it will pass. Watch that she is not rubbing her nose raw if so you can apply a small amount of triple antibiotic cream. The coolest thing about these reptiles is if in a large enough enclosure they are social which is very rare with most reptiles. There is usually an alpha male an alpha female then the subordinates. Even though you still get the hand waving and head bobbing sometimes, they are usually pretty calm. Is that all three of them in the picture. I would like to know how long the males have been together. I would also put the tanks close to let them get to know each other. Eventually you may be able to put them all together. This is going to be a big tank. They can get to about 3 feet in length. I would probably build a custom enclosure out of Plexiglass and seal add the wood with aquarium silicone. Build some caves with some nice rocks that you have boiled for at least 20 to 30 mins. add a nice swimming area for shedding and moisture. From what I can see in the pic they are all beautiful and bright. If you have any other questions though looks like your doing fine. Please feel free to ask none too big or small. Good luck Tina