Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bearded dragon flipping

bearded dragon flipping

22 13:27:04

QUESTION: Hi Tracie you recently gave me much valued help on my bearded dragon that was flipping, i am unable to follow the links in my e-mails (showing an error) so i have posted a reply onto the end of the original thread. However this means that i am unable to give you a fantastic rating so would like to thank you for all of your help. Rocco is now on the mend and the flipping and twitching has stopped. She still has a slight limp on her front left leg where the vet thought that she may have fractured it back in November last year but this seems to be getting better. Hopefull with the warmer weather on its way she will get more active and get the limb moving more. She has started taking more live food from the hand and is getting back to the old dragon that she used to be. Once again many thanks.

Kind regards

ANSWER: Hello Steve,

That is excellent news Rocco is doing so much better now!  Wow, she has really turned around then.  I am very happy her twitching has stopped now.  Hopefully her front leg will finish healing up soon.  
Wow that is just great she is taking food from you now so her appetite has greatly increased then.
Great job getting her back to good health!
When you get a chance you can send some picture of her when you get a chance.

I am glad that I was able to help you two out!

Talk to you soon.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Tracie, how long would you expect it to take for her front leg to heal, i would have thought that their bones would heal quickly in the wild. Will try and get a picture for you tomorrow.



Hello Steve,

Well, the healing process is dependent on their calcium & D3 stores.  In the wild, they get much better lighting than we can provide for them in their environment, most of the times.
However, if she was injured in the wild there is a huge chance that she just would not make it.  Remember, survival of the fittest, as cruel as it sounds, it is unfortunate that a lot of them don't make it.
