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African Fat-tailed Gecko and Leopard Gecko

22 14:36:05

I was wondering if it is safe to house a female African fat-tailed gecko with another female leopard gecko? Should I just stick to the one species in the Vivarium?

Hello Christopher,

Although African Fat-Tailed Geckos and Leopard Geckos are similiar in environment and care. It is recommended that you don't mix the two species. Mainly because of the chances of speading disease. Some lizards will carry a disease that their bodies are immune to, and the others will not be immune which can cause health and medical problems. I never recommend housing two separate species in the same enclosure no matter the reptile. It is best to stick them in separate enclosures. Another reason if that does not worry you is that different species have different scents. They are solitary animals (both of them) and live on their own in the wild. They rarely take kindly to their own species. And identifying a different lizard scent no matter how similiar they look can be a problem. They may fight to the death no matter the gender. They can both become very territorial and dominant. Which you would want to avoid in any case. Sorry but no they can not be housed together.

Good luck and I hope this helps. Any more questions let me know