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how do you get a gecko handleable again?

22 14:36:07

Hi Tracie! My brother has a 1 year old leopard gecko named Apollo and he is so cute... but he's only been handled twice[which was on the first day we got him] and he's only been handled by me. I don't know why but my brother is to afraid to handle him... So i want to get him handleable again. He's never tried to bite, he's just skittish and trys to run away. I just don't want to get bitten or frighten him to the point that he drops his tail. So any sugestions would be helpfull! Thanks,Amanda

Hello Amanda,

The best thing is to approach him slowly.  Put your hand in there & try to entice him to crawl onto your hand on his own accord instead of trying to pick him up & get him.  Eventually he should get used to your hand, & willingly walk up on it to get out.  
It does take time, but they normally never bite unless they are in pain.  
Wow, he has only been handled 2 times in an entire year?  No wonder, it is going to take a little while to tame him down!

Let me know how it goes.