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medical advice for my jackson

22 14:00:09

His nails on his paws seem to be falling out.  Also his rear paws are swelling.  One of them looks like it has lost its web.  He is kept outside on the porch.  He is in a screened cage approx. 12" deep x 24" wide x 24" high.  He is bright green when held and moves well, when you touch his swollen feet he flinches.  How worried should I get?

Hi Kathleen, I would be concerned enough to visit a vet in this situation. That sounds like a very painful condition for an animal that needs to climb to survive and literally spends 24 hours a day on its feet.
Chameleons are known to run into foot and nail trouble from climbing on some gauges of screening. It causes irritation to their feet and can trap and injure their nails which then leads to infection.