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My first lizard

22 15:10:51

Hi. I was think about getting a lizard. I'm only a beginner. What lizards would you recomend doing some research on, apart from the leopard gecko?

Bearded Dragons are relatively easy to care for, but the whole setup costs a lot of money and takes up some room. Some Day Geckos, like Phelsuma laticauda or Phelsuma lineata, are not that demanding but cannot be handled. The same goes for Green Anoles.
Collard Lizards are beautiful animals and with a lot of research suited for beginners, but they are very fast and

I really don't recommend three species: Green Iguanas, any Monitor Lizard and any Chameleon. Those three are very difficult to care for, need a lot of room and at least some experience with other lizards and terrariums.

Some people find desert setups easier than rainforest setups with high humidity, I think that both have their diffuculties. Try to find an animal you like and then do a lot of research, not only on the internet but in literature and herp magazines, too. Try to find someone who keeps or even breeds that animals in your area, it's always nice to have someone with experience to speak to. If you do this and then take your time setting up the terrarium (the conditions must be stable before you buy the animal), you will succeed even with animals that are more difficult to care for than the ones always listed as "suitable for beginners".
A good website to start with is , it contains caresheets on many lizards and other herps, general information on breeding, feeding, housing, health...  and has good links and references to literature.
I hope I was of some help to you