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What do u need to get an anole?

22 15:10:50

Hi! I'm 12 years old and I'll be 13 next month. :) But, I have a question about anoles. 'Cause I'm gonna get one soon. What do u need to get an anole? Like what do they eat, how big of a cage do they need, what kind of light thingy do they need, do they need to be taken out of their cage every day (like hamsters do).

To: Karissa

  Green Anoles are wonderful lizards to have for a first time reptile pet to own. The one thing you know understand. That these kind of liard are not the lizard to be handle all the time. These can't be taken out of the cage like other animals.
 1.First of all you need to have a 10 gallon aquarium that has to have 100 watt heat light buld over that
aquarium. 2.You need to have reptile bedding for the aquarium on the bottom..You should get Bark or pine.. Green anoles like to have there aquarium misted every morning and evenings too. They will eat live small mealworms. They love to climb..So you will need to put a small log inside the Aquarium or a long stick that will fit into the 10 gallon aquarium for them to climb on. But you should always know that they will escape from the aquarium. So, you should have closed lid on top of the aquarium.
 I hope this helps you out little bit. I hope I didn't forget anything else here. Because I have a Green Anole along with my House gecko in my 10 gallon Aquarium and they get along very well. Thought I share that with you.
       Good luck.. Hope to hear from you soon


                 Cece Ericson
American Inter. Rattlesnake Museum Of Albuquerque, NM
And The New Mexico Wildlife Rescue Clinic Of Albuquerque