Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > painted turtle

painted turtle

22 11:51:21

I found this baby painted turtle on my grass yesturday i keep feeding it first turtle food from the store cause i have another turtle that i bought from the store but i put this baby turtle in a plastic baby pool with a rock to be able to get the sun outside try to feed it a worm the food from store hasnt ate yet what do i do or do i have to let it go i was also thinking of keeping it. please let me know thanks

Hello Tammy,

Do you have the turtles in the swimming baby pool?
You can feed them both greens & veggies as well as some insects too.  It will have a period of adjustment if you keep him so it may take a bit for him to eat.  The turtle food is great also, since it is formulated for turtle nutrition.  You will need calcium supplementation, too.
Will you keep it outside mostly or inside in a tank with a UVB light on him?
They do need plenty of UVB along with calcium to help prevent soft shell from occuring.  
Do you have any pictures?
