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White Dumpy tree frog

22 14:46:05

I think I have a male white dumpy tree but how can I tell for sure? It is darker green and is slimmer. But I have not heard him croak yet. It is a juvenille. Also I took it to the vet because he had blotches on it's skin the vet said it was because he is sexulaly matureing. And I noticed latley thier is a blue line where the green meets the white part of his belly.

Dear Lisa,
thank you for your question.
Sexing White's Tree Frogs is difficult, especially with juveniles. Both males and females call, so that's not a sure sign. Males are smaller than females and usually have loose skin at their throat, but all this is hard to judge with only a single frog. The only sure way to sexing them is to keep a pair or group and then judge from their behaviour.

The blue line is probably normal, their colour can vary very much and some have a blueish tint anyway. I cannot say anything about the blodges on it's skin because I'm not a vet and I do not give advice on medical questions.
I hope I was of some help to you