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my yellow bellied slider turtle

22 14:01:42

hi there i live in the uk and have a young yellow belly slider ,, it lives in a tank in my living room (huge tank) i was just wondering during the nice weather we do have is it a good idea to put it outside in the sunshine and then fetch it back indoors when it cools down,, obviously i would make sure it had a basking area and some water to cool in ?? and is there any chance of it hibernating while it lives inside.
one last questain the shop i bought it off said it would live for a long time (provided its looked after propely) inside my home in a tank but in many of the forums on the internet they seem to think its not a good idea ??

thank you for your time nic.

Hello Nicole,

You can take him outside as long as you have a protected outdoor enclosure to where no predators can get to him, or to where he can get out of.  The sunshine would do him a lot of good & he would enjoy it.  
If you want him to hibernate during the wintertime, it is essential to have it in a safe place out of the elements when it is cold.  You would want some type of heating too so it doesn't get too cold.
There is nothing wrong with keeping a slider turtle in an indoor enclosure as long as you provide adequate UVB lighting by way of UVB lights, & the proper basking temperatures with a water source.
