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Bearded dragon eggs wont hatch

22 13:26:11

hello, I have been incubating 12 bearded dragon eggs for exactly 80 days and are still not hatching! I am worried that something is wrong with them... The temp has been at a constant temp of 82F and the moister has been about 77% I candle the eggs and you can see the baby beardie inside... Sometimes you can see them moving. The eggs have grown about twice the size as they were when laid... I really want to know if these guys are gunna hatch or not. The eggs look plump and healthy on the outside. thanks :)

Well, you do have them a little on the cool side--most folks aim for 84F.  Cooler incubation temperatures can mean longer incubation times.

It's not unusual for bearded dragons to take 80 days to hatch, and since yours are on the cooler end of incubation temperatures, a few days longer is to be expected.

If the eggs are still plump, and you've seen the babies inside, don't worry!  When you see the eggs begin to 'sweat' and collapse, you'll know that hatching has begun, and the babies should pip soon after.