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baby box turtle question

22 14:59:07

About 3 months ago I saw a box turtle laying eggs behind my house, in the woods. I kept my eye on the place that I saw the turtle lay the eggs, and about three weeks ago I went to check on them. I carefully uncovered the eggs,(two), with a tooth brush and gently laid them in my hat. The reason I dug the eggs up was because the dirt had gotten hard as a rock, and I was scared the turtles wouldn't be able to escape. I filled a bucket, (the bucket was 6 inches deep), about 1/4th of the way full with sand, and place the eggs on top. Then I covered the eggs back up. I waited for what seemed forever, and finally I wanted to see what progress the eggs had made. So I carefully uncovered the eggs again, and when I did, I saw two live baby turtles lying in the bottom of the bucket. I went on and carefully took the baby turtles out of the bucket and laid them in a larger container. I can get them to drink sometimes, but I can't get them to eat worms, lettuce, or anything else that box turtles eat. Did I take the box turtles out of the bucket to soon, even though they had already crawled out of their shell? I would be very greatful if you can help me. Thank You!

Hey Eli,
I answered this already on the other message you sent. I think they are the same one. You probably sent it twice thinking it didn't send the first time, this site does funky stuff like that a lot. =D

Good luck with everything, feel free to ask any more questions you might have!
best wishes, Chelsey