Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > IGUANA IS VERY SICK


22 11:42:23

almost 1 year old male iguana, very weak, dark-yellowish color. Don't know what to do. zoo worker suggested giving C vitamin and Calcium which I did but didn't work. help

Hello Katie,

I am sorry your iguana isn't doing well.  Do you have any pictures of him & his tank setup that you could post for me to see?
What type & brand of UVB lighting are you using, is it a tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
How old are the UVB lights?
How often do you give calcium supplementation for him & what type, is it powder or liquid?
Please run over your tank setup with me, such as the UVB lighting, the temperatures & what type of thermometer you use to measure the temperatures.  His diet is very important, so let me know what foods you feed him, as well.
How long has he not been doing well, or did it come on all of the sudden?
